Sunday Service
Sunday service is the time where the body of Christ at Merciful Redemption Church comes together and rejoices in the Lord. We come celebrating His presence, and expressing our joy for His eternal love. It is a time to stand and thank Him, to shout to him a joyful noise, to cry out to Him, to worship and adore Him. It is always an incredible time in the house of God, here at Merciful Redemption Church. The Holy Spirit always moves in this place, and we put no restrictions on how God wants to direct our service here.
Starting time for this service is 10:00A.M.
Family Life Institute
This is our edition of Sunday School. It is for all ages and stages to come and hear what God is saying. As the enemy is working overtime to break down the institute of family, we are combating the lies fulltime with God's word and with the knowledge of who we are in Him. You, assuredly, will be blessed as the word is bought forth weekly by Kathy Dozier. She is constantly listening for God to direct her vision for this powerful class. Come out and be blessed by what you will hear!
Starting time for
Family Life Institute is every Sunday morning at 9:00A.M.
Bible Study
We offer a vivacious bible study every
Wednesday night here at 7:00 P.M. We believe that through attending weekly studies we are able to grow in the things of the Lord, and in the knowledge of Him. It is a wonderful place to fellowship, a place to gather with other saints and enjoy great Christian company. Our doors are open every Wednesdays so that you may, also, have a place to minister or be ministered to. The word is bought forth so profoundly because each week the Holy Spirit leads us in the direction He would have us to go. It's always a memorable time in the house of the Lord, you are guaranteed to walk away blest.
Global Prayer Center
Global Prayer Center is a place that the saints unite to bombard heaven with our prayers. We come bringing our requests, petitions, needs, hearts desires and heart cries to the throne room of the Most High God. We at Merciful Redemption Church believe prayer is the ultimate in wireless connection, it is a powerful weapon God has equipped us with, and we use it everyday mightily! Please come and join us here nightly, as we pray for ourselves, our loved ones, the community, the nation and the world!
Don't give God instructions, just report for duty!
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday @ 6:00PM
Tuesdays @ 7:00PM
- "2 Chron. 7:14-15 (NLT) Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land. [15] I will listen to every prayer made in this place."
- "1 Thes. 5:17 (NLT) Keep on praying."
- "Luke 18:1 (NLT) One day Jesus told his disciples a story to illustrate their need for constant prayer and to show them that they must never give up."